Fieracavalli has planned online webinars and programs on-demand for its 200,000-member strong online community.

The Prime Minister’s Decree issued on Sunday October 25th to address the health emergency linked to Covid-19, establishes that all national and international fairs in the country must be cancelled until November 24th, 2020. The previous Decree had already forbidden regional and local conferences and large meetings.
Veronafiere has therefore announced the cancellation of Fieracavalli’s 122nd edition, planned for November 5th – 8th and November 13th -15th.
Italy’s important equestrian event is therefore being transformed thanks to its website and official social network, becoming the location at which the Fieracavalli community will still be able to experience the excitement of this event. Part of the fair’s contents will therefore be revealed live on-line from November 5th to November 8th.

“In spite of our determination to host the event, precisely because it is a reference point for the entire equestrian sector that is greatly in need of a recovery, we have been obliged to respect a new Decree issued by the Prime Minister, which has instead obliged us to make this difficult decision. We have had to cancel not only the fair but also all the equestrian events planned, starting with Jumping Verona, the only Italian leg of the Longines FEI Jumping World Cup™, programmed for Sunday November 8th as well as all events organized by the Italian Equestrian Sports Federation (FISE). We have done our very best and are still persuaded that it is possible to attend fairs such as Verona in a safe manner, thanks to prevention and health protocols we had put in place and that had been approved by the authorities. This is yet another harsh blow for us as well as for all the sectors present and the entire equestrian industry, but we have responsibly decided not to give up by continuing, to the extent that this is possible, with online activities and initiatives. We wish to thank all our partners, exhibitors, breeders, riders and spectators who have placed their trust in us and still do,” said Giovanni Mantovani, director general of Veronafiere.
“Veronafiere and the Italian Equestrian Sports Federation have worked together until the very last minute,” said Marco Di Paola, President of the Italian Equestrian Sports Federation, “trying to save the 2020 edition of this event. The pandemic affecting our country and additional measures introduced by the government to reduce the spreading of Covid-19 would, however, have made things extremely complicated in organizational terms and would also have excluded the public. The new rules introduced would have prevented us from objectively ensuring that all participants could have competed on equal terms, also due to problems involving travel during these difficult times. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and those of the whole Italian equestrian world to Veronafiere, to its managers and all those who with great passion and dedication continue to give life to this event that I am certain will be even more important next year. My thoughts are with the entire equestrian world that has always shown great love for Fieracavalli and that this year has been deprived of the pleasure of attending this wonderful event. I look forward to seeing you all in 2021”.